I became involved with the swim club around 2014 (its all a blur) when my eldest joined at the age of 6. Both of my boys now swim with the Club and they have progressed from the Tadpole squad through to the A/B squads and are swimming at Yorkshire and NER levels due to the hardwork they put in but also thanks to the efforts of the swim coaches/committee members at TWHST.
I became involved pretty much straight away with the club as I was a former swim teacher at Thirsk Pool and volunteers are always needed. I am down at the pool most nights and available to chat if you have any queries. The gala structure can seem confusing to start off with but as your child progresses through the club it does become clearer and you start to understand how things work. I also swim with the Masters on a Saturday morning and although I don't compete I enjoy the fitness and challenging myself during the sessions..... Yes I think I also live at the pool!!!